Sunday, January 30, 2011

Start Saving Money for Retirement

    Are you saving enough of your hard earned money? Would you like to someday leave your 9 to 5 job and maybe enjoy life more? Maybe you'd like to spend more time enjoying life and less time stuck in that stressful job so many of us seem to have?
Without exception, retirement planners advise  pitching in as much as you can to your retirement plan. This is especially true if your employer contributes too. If your contributions are made by salary deduction, saving is easier to do and will be  almost painless. Contributing more means postponing, or "deferring," taxes until you withdraw the money at retirement.  When you reach retirement age you may be in a lower tax bracket.
    Catch-up provisions for some retirement plans allow you to contribute extra amounts if you're over 50. Information about 401(k) catch-up contributions is available from your retirement plan administrator or on the Internet. If your plan has a catch-up provision, act on it now.
    Staying employed as long as possible benefits your retirement finances in several ways. Having an income gives your retirement savings more time to grow. A regular income could mean more regular savings. If you work for a company that provides health insurance, you won't have to fully pay for a policy yourself.
    You don't have to stay at your same job if there are other opportunities. Maybe you want a new career, one that ties in to your personal interests. Longer life spans and better health mean many older people have the energy and enthusiasm employers are looking for, not to mention the skills and experience. Many people find the social benefits of working as important as the financial ones.

    The amount of your monthly Social Security benefit goes up the older you are when you start receiving it. For example, a 61-year-old man earning $60,000 in 2009 and eligible for his Social Security benefit at 62 would receive an additional $1,080 a year by waiting 1 year, until he is 63, to collect his benefits. On the other hand, retirees who are seriously ill, who need the money immediately, or who feel comfortable investing their monthly checks may choose not to wait.

In this example, the worker turning 62 in 2010 would have a full retirement age under Social Security of 66. At full retirement, his benefit will be $1,645. If, however, he starts to receive benefits at age 62, his monthly benefit would be reduced to $1,172. By waiting until age 70, his monthly benefit would be $2,281.

     Early retirement can  result in about the same total Social Security benefits over your lifetime, but in smaller amounts to take into account the longer period you will be receiving them.

    If you delay retirement beyond the full Social Security retirement age, you can earn retirement credits, increasing Social Security by a certain percentage (depending on date of birth) until you reach age 70. 
      No matter how old you are when you choose to retire,  remember to sign up for Medicare at age 65. If you don't (for example, because you have other coverage) you may be limited on when you can enroll later and may pay more in premiums.

    Want a less stressful, more worry-free retirement?  Focus on saving your money and adding to your nest egg. Investing your savings wisely More saving, more investing, and less spending will boost your confidence and your financial bottom line as you approach retirement!

    Its never too late to start saving your money! Try these money saving tips to help you save a little ( or a lot ) more of your hard earned money!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Share the Love and Have Your Best Year Ever!

Try these simple steps to help make this New Year your best ever!

1. Decide to be Happy. Ignore and forget the inevitable  stuff that gets in your way. Put negative thoughts and feelings aside as soon as you start feeling them. Instead, choose to turn them into a positive. Find the blessing or opportunity which more often than not is hidden  behind most of life's challenges! Keep your mind free of hate and negative thoughts. Find something pleasant to focus on! Life is short enough. Why waste even a moment on hate? You're in control. Decide to choose a happier life!

2. Get healthy. Choose to enjoy life more! Get at least 30 minutes of exercise - of your choosing - every day. Even if it's just a nice walk with your favorite loved one(s).  Want to lose some weight,  enjoy life more or achieve a better level of fitness? Kick it up to 45 minutes a day!

3. Turn off the TV for 30 minutes every day and read something positive. Or go to bed a little earlier and get a great night's sleep!  The point is - enjoy that TV a little less and all that life has to offer  a little more. You can always hear about the news tomorrow - or who won the latest round of your favorite talent show!

4. Get outside more - connect with nature. Breathe in some of that fresh air and contemplate the all the beauty nature has to offer!

5. Embrace the habit of eating healthy. Choose to avoid the drive thru lane of your local fat-food favorites. Eat more vegetables and fruit. More protein and less simple carbs ( like white bread and sugar). You and I both know the stuff we love can often be just a waste of calories. ( My weakness is donuts! )

6. Set a few simple and achievable goals. Write them down on paper. Or in your journal.  Experts say you have far better odds of reaching your written goals. Note the action plan or steps you'll need to take in order to reach those written goals.

7. Evaluate your progress and decide to adapt your goals or the steps you need to take to reach them. Take a few minutes each evening to decide what your priorities are for the following day. Every weekend or so - take an honest look at where you are. What's working and what maybe isn't worling so well?

8. Enjoy the Journey. Share some time with those you love. Or find someone new to enjoy this great life with. Try something new. Pick up a new sport or pasttime. Get out there and enjoy life. Life is short - You owe it to yourself to make the most of this wonderful gift!

9. Fail forward. Everyone misses their mark from time to time. We all fall down on occasion. Forgive yourself if you falter. Anyone who ever accomplished anything had to overcome obstacles. If you fall down or fail. No Worries! Get back up! Persist! Never Give Up!

10. Seek to Have More Fun. Laugh more! It's good for your mind and your heart! Find something funny to read or watch on the tube. What have you got to lose?  Except that frown on your face or those worrisome thoughts which get in everyone's way from time to time!  Remember that classic old song from the 80's -  Don't Worry, Be Happy!

And, finally - just one more thought - or bonus step. Learn to Love yourself and share your love with as many others as you can. Practice random acts of kindness as often as you can. Do it without anyone knowing if you can.  Spread your Love around!