Source: via Lene on Pinterest
Source: via Lene on Pinterest
Source: via Lene on Pinterest
Source: via Lene on Pinterest
Source: via Lene on Pinterest
Source: via Lene on Pinterest
Source: via Lene on Pinterest
Wish you could live a life with far less worry and stress? Save Your Money! If you ask 100 people what their biggest source of worry is - 90% are likely to say money and finances is their biggest worry. Try these simple tips:
1. Buy generic. Many everyday products - from pain relievers to bleach - are just as effective and cost far less when you buy the generic. Try it. Put the difference in a piggy bank for a month or two. You might be surprised at your savings!
2. Want to spend less on health care? Unless you have big, ongoing health issues, most of us can save over the long term by simply staying reasonably fit. You don't have to spend a small fortune on gym memberships or miracle diet pills. Get a little exercise every day and enjoy eating small portions of healthy foods!
3. Stop Smoking! $5.00 for a pack of smokes is just killing you - in more ways than one. If you smoke, you can easily see savings of $100 every month!
4. Still paying the big Corporation for the convenience of a land-line telephone? Do yourself a favor and save around $500 a year by ditching that land-line.
5. Do you really watch 180 cable channels? Ask your cable provider to lower your bill. Tell them you're thinking about switching to another source. They just might bend over backward to cut your bill and keep your business!
Source: Uploaded by user via Vicki on Pinterest
The best day to take action is today. Take that step. Do something towards achieving your goals every day.
Source: Uploaded by user via Vicki on Pinterest
Source: via Taylor on Pinterest
When is the last time you took a few days off? or even a week? Take some time for you as soon as you can. Refresh your spirit and your body! Any time is a great time to head to your favorite beach!