Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Wish you could deal with setbacks just a little better? Try exercise. It helps clear your mind. And gives you more energy for getting back on track!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Oh Christmas is coming again, you say,
And you long for the things he is bringing;
But the costliest gift may not gladden the day,
Nor help on the merry bells ringing
Some getting is losing, you understand,
Some hoarding is far from saving;
What you hold in your hand may slip from your hand,
There is something better than having;
We are richer for what we give;
And only by giving we live.

Your last year's presents are scattered and gone;
You have almost forgot who gave them;
But the loving thoughts you bestow live on
As long as you choose to have them.
Love, love is your riches, though ever so poor;
No money can buy that treasure;
Yours always, from robber and rust secure,
Your own, without stint or measure;
It is only love that we can give;
It is only by loving we live.

For who is it smiles through the Christmas morn—
The Light of the wide creation?
A dear little Child in a stable born,
Whose love is the world's salvation.
He was poor on earth, but He gave us all
That can make our life worth the living;
And happy the Christmas day we call
That is spent, for His sake, in giving;
He shows us the way to live,
Like Him. Let us love and give!

—Lucy Larcom

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Planning and Action

Source: styledip.com via Audrey on Pinterest

   How do you plan to succeed? Do you have a plan to reach your goal(s)? It appears that most successful people have used at least some level of planning to achieve their success. Followed up by massive action. And then more planning and more action. 

Want greater success?  Plan your work. and then -  Work your plan! Don't give in to failure. Fail forward. Failure is just a temporary part of the process. Work past it! Go above - or around it. Adjust your plans. And then get back to work!

Source: styledip.com via Audrey on Pinterest

Friday, November 23, 2012

Promise Yourself

To being your very best......

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Staying Thankful

May your road to success be filled with beauty.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Friends and Family

Enjoy this special time of year - Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Keys to Succcess

Keys to Success:

Set a Goal. Write it down.

Develop your action plan.

Work Your tail off.

Wishing and visualizing your outcome is OK.

Action gets results. Massive, focused action.

Constantly evaluate your progress. Adjust your action plan as you see the need.

Keep Moving.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Positive Energy

Do you ever wish you could get more done? Maybe you'd like to have a little more energy to keep going? Keep you focus just a little longer!

Daily exercise is a great way to increase your energy and improve your focus. Use your exercise time to unload all the useless stuff and , instead focus more on what really matters. Try it. Do it for you!

You get to choose. Choose Good!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Enjoy the Journey

Enjoy the The Road to Better health...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


What goal are you aiming at? Check out these tips from one of the true experts -

Monday, November 12, 2012

Getting Past Roadblocks

It's easy to get discouraged when you reach a point at which nothing seems to be working. The trick is - Keep Moving. Persist and Persevere! Don't Give Up - Ever. Keep Moving and Try something new.

Decide that you're going to be happy and grateful today. And keep moving!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Choose Happy

If you had a choice -

A. Be Happy and Enjoy Life


B. Let the headlines , your job, your worries dictate your mood and outlook.

Why would anyone knowingly get caught up in choice B ? If you find yourself getting a little down or depressed by the stress we all seem to be faced with - take a moment to reflect on what is really important to you. Then choose A. Choose to be Happy!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Want Better Results?

Is your plan not working?  Do you feel a little out of balance like something is missing? Are you getting any exercise? Try adding 30 minutes of heart-pumping exercise to your day. Every day!  ( OK, take one day off to rest your muscles. Just go for a walk on your day off! )

Source: google.com via Megan on Pinterest

Research studies around the world confirm the benefits of regular exercise. Try it for a month or two. You just might find that you have discovered a new secret ingredient for a better life. Think more clearly. Enjoy the natural high you're sure to experience after running those 2 or three miles.

No need to spend a small fortune on a fancy health club membership. Exercise outdoors in the fresh air. Breathe in nature's blessings.

 If the weather outside  is holding back or keeping you indoors - no worries.

 Buy a few simple pieces of home fitness equipment and get a great workout in the comfort of  home!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Aim High and Go For It!

What is your goal? Your target. Set your sights and go for it.

Make the choice to live a better life. Enjoy the journey. Learn! And keep moving toward your target(s).

Live the Life You want. Choose to enjoy. Choose to be Happy. Choose to take the actions you want to reach the goals you set.