Thursday, January 24, 2013
Setting Goals for Your Success
Try setting a few goals this weekend. And write them down. Develop your action plan. and then Get going!
To your never ending quest for greater success...
Monday, January 21, 2013
Think Good Thoughts
Source: via Missy on Pinterest
Source: via Morgan on Pinterest
Source: via Missy on Pinterest
Source: Uploaded by user via Lauren on Pinterest
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Pursue Your Dream
Source: via Jennifer on Pinterest
Source: via Tonia on Pinterest
Source: via Corinne on Pinterest
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
How Great
Source: via Beth on Pinterest
A famous entertainer once wrote - "If you ever wonder how great you are - try ordering someone else's dog around". Watch this -
Source: via Beth on Pinterest
and just one more quick thought ....
Source: via Beth on Pinterest
Now, Have your Best Day Ever!
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Turning Should Do into Must Do
May all your dreams come true!
Friday, January 11, 2013
Winter Fresh
Source: via anna O on Pinterest
Source: via Kelly Ann on Pinterest
Try these exercises in the warmth and comfort of home to keep your body ( and mind ) in a healthy balance year round.
Source: via Catherine on Pinterest
Do you want to improve your life? Do you have a specific goal ?
Believing in yourself—believing that you can leap barriers and achieve your goals - is often a ticket to success. One of the most powerful tools for building self-confidence is visualization. This easy technique involves imagining the accomplishment of the changes or goals you're working to achieve. It is a process of "training" purely within the mind. By visualizing in detail your successful execution of each step in a given activity, you create, modify, or strengthen brain pathways that are important in coordinating your muscles for the visualized activity. This prepares you to perform the activity itself. The technique is useful in many areas of life—from avoiding anxiety during a stressful situation, to performing well during competition. You may find it a powerful tool in just about any journey!.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Beach Time
Source: via jo jo on Pinterest
Source: via jo jo on Pinterest
Grab your flip-flops and good book.
Source: via jo jo on Pinterest
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Dream Big and Work Smart
Source: via Noemi on Pinterest
Source: via Dave on Pinterest
Source: via Cassie on Pinterest
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
What Are Your Goals
Too often these BIG Goals are doomed for failure because they simply aren't specific enough. The more specific you are, the more likely you will be able to succeed. Write down your goals and resolutions in ways that allow you to track progress. And, equally important - measure your success!
For instance - if you want to save $1,000 for your childrens college years, start putting away $20 every week. Put it in a 529 Savings Account or a specific account that is separate from your other Savings Account(s). Want to have more when you retire? Call your Human Resources Department tomorrow and start or bump up your 401k savings deductions.
Start taking action immediately. Enjoy your journey. However small your steps - keep moving. If you want to become more fit, focus on being able to jog a little bit further every time you go for a walk, rather than being able to run 5 miles within a week or two. Sometimes progress is a little slower than you first imagined. That's OK! Just keep going.
Forgive yourself if you fail. Don't allow setbacks and failures to define your success If you slip or mess up, don’t beat yourself up. Okay, so you slept in and didn’t get to the gym like you’d planned. How about 5 minutes of stretching and a couple trips around the block? We all slip backwards from time to time. It happens to everyone. Just don’t let your setbacks get in your way. Reflect on the lessons they hold, make adjustments accordingly, then Cowboy up and get back in that saddle. Life rewards those who keep getting back up!
Wishing you a Year filled with Happiness, Amazing Success and Gratitude!